Saturday, July 19, 2008

scattered thoughts

I don't feel like writing a coherent , or time oriented blog today, but I will try to write out some scattered thoughts.

Scattered Thought No. 1 - Yesterday I bought a new TENNIS RACQUET ---for me. It's the newest one on the market and is really slick looking. Got it from my former tennis teacher for 50 bucks (he said it sold for 150.00).

Now the weird part, as most of you know, is that I haven't played tennis, or even been on a tennis court for 2 years!! So why do I need a NEW tennis racquet?

Best reply to that WHY is to consider another question.

Which is "AND "WHY haven't I been on a tennis court?"

Because I had reasoned with myself, an (84, 85,or 86 year old -(take your pick) old lady, that I shouldn't be so foolish as to keep testing fate by running across the tennis court and maybe falling down!!

Well, pooh to that. I took said tennis racquet and hit some balls with Mary Anne and Ben yesterday and it was fun. Of course, I'm rusty as a nail, have forgot all the good instructions I've had, and just slammed the ball around the court like a rank beginner.

There is a moral to this chatter. For one thing, don't put stupid restrictions on yourself as to what you can or cannot do ---- simply because of your age. I actually hit a few good balls back to Mary, I didn't fall down, and I was able to walk to the car and get home without collapsing! SO -- I did something I didn't think I could (or should), and I had fun.

Second point. I MISSED PLAYING tennis for two years. What a waste! I got two years older anyhow, maybe a tick more senile and tottery anyhow, and that "gone" time is irretrievable.

Get the message??? Don't miss out on life by being too careful!

Scattered thought No. 2. Much to the chagrin of my sinful pride and my serene confidence that I was at least fairly mature in my spiritual outlook on life, I learned, through a video Bible study by an intelligent, fiery, black young lady, that I had an aged, stereotypical, and "set in concrete" view of the Holy Spirit of God and His work in a Christian life.

I can't even summarize the new truths that have bombarded my soul after listening to this woman speak. I'm still trying to apprehend, assimilate, and appropriate new insights that came from her sermon into my thinking and living!!

It's not that I was completely wrong in my theology; it's just that I had forgot that it is impossible for one human being to completely understand God, and that I am very foolish to try to box Him into my own fragile and finite view of of Who He IS and What He Should Do, and How He Should Do It.

I got the message!

Enough of this stuff.

Bye now!

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