Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A hectic day

Yesterday was a most hectic day! Joy, who cleans my house, came kind of early so I was going to to walk at the mall to be out of the way. But before I could get out of the house, the fence guys were knocking on the door to put up a new fence. I had to quickly call neigbors on the east and south to warn them to get their dogs put up. Fortunately, I was able to get both of them on the phone and they were cooperative.

Eight strong Mexican men, only one of whom spoke English, descended en masse and they began to work quickly and very professionally. I was almost afraid to leave the house because I thought they would be finished in just an hour or so.

But by noon, Bill and I were famished and so we took off to get a hamburger at Waffle House, ate hurridly, and got back home by 1:30.
By then, Joy was about ready to leave, and the fencers were moving right along. I took them cokes shortly afterwards (it was a 100 degrees by now) and they seemed grateful.

The last part that consumed time was the gate. Two guys worked on it, and it was finally finished about 5 p.m.

I was supposed to go and check on Mary's white cat to see if she was all right, but by then I was so pooped I fixed us a sandwich and fell in bed by 8:30. The cat had to wait until today to be checked on.

Today we went to the hearing aids lady and she tinkered with Bill's hearing aids a bit, hoping to make his hearing improve. I don't know if it has or not; maybe tomorrow I will be able to check that out more carefully. We also ate breakfast out today; fact is, we are probably eating out more than we are eating in, but it's working for us. I just don't give a flip about preparing meals these days.

The dang dog is sleeping on my bed again! He stayed in his kennel for a few nights, but soon tired of that and of course, came to his main man in the pack, which is ME, to hang with!!! Tomorrow the trainer comes and we are gonna have a talk. Barney has attacked Bill this week (for no reason, except I was there) and if that doesn't stop by the end of July, Little Mr.
Barney is gonna be finding a new home.

While I was sitting up having my early cuppa coffee with Barney at my feet and Bill in bed, I wrote , in my mind, a really good blog about My Life At the Ritz. I'm thinking of getting it out of my mind and on to a blog soon; it's so much fun for me to write --- about anything, anybody, at anytime.

Hey, Mark, I'm starting "Little Brother" and I think I will like it.

Hey, Alice, I finished the young girl/vampire book that Alex liked. It was interesting, but nothing special that I could see. I'm gonna write Hannah to get her slant on it; it sure didn't strike me as "one of the greatest books I ever read." I must be missing something.

Tonite I'm feeling good, not very tired, think I may even be able to sit in bed and read a bit. Last nite I was SO TIRED I was almost blotto and could barely crawl into bed at 9:00 p.m. So what's the difference??? I have no idea; I was busy today as well. Go figure.

P.S. The guy who shares the back fence brought me a check today for $360; his half of the $720 cost of that fence. Nice guy, a former Okie. The gal on the east side (fencing cost there was $1330.00) said she could only give me $300. And I won't hold my breath until I get that amount!!!

But the fence looks really good.

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