Friday, June 26, 2009

This 'n That

I need to blog today because I am stuck here in the house for another 24 hours before I can get out in the sun again. My dermatologist put me through a procedure on Thursday to eliminate all the pre-cancers on my face, and after getting my face "fried," I have to stay inside for 48 hours. He really didn't "fry" it, but that's what it feels and looks like. Lots of red blotches and heat, and it has made me feel pretty punk. But, as my Mom always said, "This too will pass, Marie."

I spend so much time getting things done to me in my old age that life sometimes becomes pretty boring. Got the cataracts removed and now I can see (a miracle), and now we hope to have stamped out facial cancers, but I'm pretty sure something else will "fall off" soon and I'll be back on the doctor route again. Oh well, when Obama gets the health care program in place, I won't ever have to see a doctor again --- we spend far too much money in this country on old people and their ailments-- and we've got to stop that!

Two famous (?) people died yesterday: Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett. I wonder at all the publicity and hoopla we Americans give to our entertainment stars demise. It's all a part of our American culture, I guess. Nevertheless, I feel saddened at their deaths; I'm not sure either one had a really happy life.

I really like a lot of the "things" our world has for us these days, and one of the most satisfying to me is this computer where I can write, and write, and write, for my own pleasure; where I can use email and correspond with friends at a moment's notice; where I can find information about almost anything with just a tap of a key. The tech world is a mystery to me, but I love the benefits I get from my sparce knowledge.

Kevin and Kathryn will soon be off to college and they will be missed by us. I'm glad for their going, but I worry (like any responsible grandma should) about the challenges they will face. I know they will do well, but I sometimes feel by them as I felt, many times, for my own three children. I wanted to wrap my arms around them, hold them close to me, and keep the world at bay so they would never be hurt. But I had to let them go; that's one of the tough things a parent has to do.

Life is good. At 87, I rejoice in the life I have now, and thank God for His blessings.

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