Tuesday, January 6, 2009

An Octogenarian Orgy

Ever wonder what really old people do to celebrate the coming in of a brand new year? Well, they have octogenarian orgies; that's what they do! We had one on New Year's Eve, 2008, at our humble abode in Grapevine.

Our friends, the Cleavers, came down from OKC on New Years Eve to help us celebrate. They arrived about 2 p.m. and we talked until about 5 p.m. about "the olden days", and all the fun we had as young people and young adults. Then Bill Cleaver(better known as B.C.) suggested to Bill Saunders (a.k.a.B.S.) that we have a glass of wine. Of Course, Jenny and I were all for that, but I reasoned with B.S. that he couldn't drink wine because he was on drugs!! He agreed; didn't want to get "too high" and spoil the party!!

After our glasses of wine, we (Jenny and I) agreed we needed to eat out, so as to make the evening more enjoyable. We did. Chose a rather grand dining place. i.e., Jason's Deli, where each couple ordered a soup and salad to split. I ate chili in lieu of soup; B.S. had the salad. B.C. had soup, Jenny ate his salad. Our tab was pretty formidable: 5 bucks for each couple!!!

Then back to 1517 Briarcrest where we regaled each other with marvelous tales of The Great Depression days, how we worked for a dollar a day, how we never dreamed, any of us, of attending college, how World War II changed everything, and how spectacular, remarkable, and absolutely unbelievable were the things we accomplished by pure luck, hard work, and gritty determination. B.C. got a medical degree, Jenny a college degree with music major; B.S. became a Preacher with an M.Div, and holy cow, I managed to end up with a Ph.D.in English.

We ate a snack about 10:30, drank coffee and/or cokes, talked some more, yawned a lot, and finally gave up and headed for the bed at 11:00 --- who cares about seeing a stupid ball fall in NYC???

Off to bed with the same guy/gal we had slept with for 50/60 years, still in love and still grateful for the happinesses we have shared as couples and as friends.

It don't get much better than that.

Octogenarian Orgies are fun. Hope you all live to celebrate your very own special one. In the meantime, Have a Happy New year in 2009.

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